Clinics We Offer



Ante-natal care is offered with any London hospital although our closest links are with the Royal Free.

Family Planning/Well Women checks

A full range of family planning advice is available including most forms of contraception and cervical smears.

Patients should make an appointment to see the Practice Nurse or Doctor for general advice.

a baby

Child Health

All childhood immunisations and the 6 week developmental check are available at the surgery. Patients should book these appointments with the surgery.

If you need advice about feeding or have concerns about your child's early years  parents are advised to make contact with the Health Visitor via Childs Hill Clinic: 020 8209 0333


If you would like advice on sensible drinking, diet and exercise please make an appointment to see the Practice Nurse. Most stop smoking advice is now provided through local community based clinics which we can recommend.

blood test

Blood Tests

Blood tests by appointment are arranged through the Royal Free Hospital who also provide phlebotomy services. The surgery does not do blood tests `in-house'. During COVID-19 pandemic, the surgery will send the request forms directly to the Royal Free Hospital and a link to the patient to book an appointment for the test/s.